As 2024 draws to a close, we want to express our heartfelt thanks for your unwavering support.
Your dedication and support allows us to continue delivering the trusted and beloved programs that enrich our community.
We are excited about the new possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead in 2025. Our commitment to bringing you high-quality information, entertainment and educational content remains as strong as ever, and we look forward to exploring new ideas, cultures and perspectives through our diverse programming in the years ahead.
This fall, we’re featuring an exciting lineup of programs, including Ken Burns: Leonardo da Vinci, a tribute to Patsy Cline on Great Performances and Season 3 of our acclaimed podcast, Tapped. Plus, we hope to see you at AZPM PBS Kids Day at the Children’s Museum Tucson.
Thank you for being a valued member of AZPM.

Every contribution makes a difference.

The Ultimate Renaissance Man
Join us for a captivating journey into the life and legacy of one of history’s greatest minds with Ken Burns: Leonardo da Vinci. This groundbreaking documentary marks a departure from Burns’ usual focus on American subjects, delving into the world of the 15th-century polymath, Leonardo da Vinci. Known for his unparalleled contributions to art, science and innovation, da Vinci’s influence resonates through the ages.
The film uses a unique storytelling technique, featuring split screens with images, video and sound from various periods to enrich our understanding of da Vinci’s genius. It explores his profound intellect and imaginative prowess, examining how his work continues to shape our perceptions of nature and humanity. Through this lens, viewers are invited to reflect on enduring questions about our relationship with the world around us and the essence of human existence.
Experience the enduring brilliance of Leonardo da Vinci and discover how his visionary ideas continue to inspire and challenge us today.
Premieres Monday, November 18, and Tuesday, November 19, at 8 p.m. on PBS 6.
Watch this program live or stream with the PBS App.
The Politics of Water
AZPM’s acclaimed water podcast – Tapped – returned for its third season.
Find out how much water golf courses really use, discover the ways foreign countries use Arizona’s water, take a visit to Parker Dam, dive into the politics of water and so much more.
Download and listen to weekly episodes of Tapped at azpm.org/tapped or wherever you get your podcasts.

Adventure Begins in Arizona
Arizona Illustrated continues its legacy of engaging Southern Arizona’s viewers with thought-provoking, diverse stories that reflect our community. Through stunning photography and powerful storytelling, host Tom McNamara takes viewers to meet the people who make Arizona unique and vibrant.
Arizona Illustrated airs Sundays and Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. on PBS 6. Stream us on your Roku or mobile device by downloading the PBS App.
An All-Star Tribute
Get ready for an unforgettable evening honoring a legend. Great Performances: Patsy Cline: Walkin’ After Midnight is a must-see event illustrating Cline’s enduring influence and showcasing the diverse talent she inspired through the years.
And it’s only fitting that some of the best in the business will gather at the Mother Church of Country Music, the industry’s most illustrious stage, the historic Ryman Auditorium in Nashville.
A star-studded tribute to Cline’s life, legacy and timeless music features performances by artists across various genres, including Wynonna Judd, Ashley McBryde, Grace Potter, Pat Benatar and many more. Enjoy performances by today’s top artists that showcase the enduring influence of a musical legend.
Airs Friday, November 22, at 9 p.m. on PBS 6 PLUS. Watch this program live or stream with the PBS App.

Extraordinary Engineering
Discover the marvels of human ingenuity from NOVA with Building Stuff: Boost It! Reach It! Change It! This thrilling three-part series takes you around the globe, showcasing radical engineering feats that push the boundaries of human capability.
Witness the incredible advancements that allow us to amplify our senses and extend our reach beyond natural limits. From cutting-edge technologies that enable the blind to perceive the world in new ways to powerful mechanisms capable of launching rockets into space, this series explains how engineering transforms our interaction with the world. Explore these extraordinary stories, revealing how engineering is unlocking superhuman potential and reshaping our future.
NOVA: Building Stuff: Boost It! Reach It! Change It! premieres beginning Wednesday, November 13, at 9 p.m. on PBS 6.
Watch this program live or stream with AZPM Passport.
Your Vote 2024
AZPM News is your trusted source for election coverage in Southern Arizona, with Your Vote 2024. News delivered to you that’s unbiased, ad-free, and with no paywalls.
Your Vote 2024 is available wherever you get your news: on television with PBS 6, online at azpm.org, on the radio with NPR 89.1, and with our locally-produced podcasts, AZPM News Daily, Fact Check Arizona and The Buzz.
Local, statewide or national, AZPM has you covered, ensuring you have the essential information to make informed decisions this election season.
Choose AZPM News as your local election news source and stay informed with Your Vote 2024 at news.azpm.org/yourvote.
PBS News Hour election coverage airs Tuesday, November 5, at 8 p.m. on PBS 6.

AZPM PBS Kids Day at the Children’s Museum Tucson
Join AZPM and PBS Kids Saturday, November 16, at the Children’s Museum Tucson for the Inaugural AZPM PBS Kids Day!
The family-friendly event will feature guest appearances from popular PBS Kids characters, exciting interactive exhibits, fun learning activities, prizes, giveaways and more. Go to community.azpm.org for more upcoming events.
Check Out AZPM’s Latest, The Press Room
This fall, watch, listen or stream the newest AZPM original production, The Press Room. This weekly roundtable discussion of the latest news stories will feature a lineup of local, trusted and experienced journalists. The panel will deliver in-depth analysis, discussion and a recap of current news headlines that are local, regional and nationwide.
New episodes of The Press Room air every Friday at 8:30 p.m. on PBS 6, simulcast on NPR 89.1, and are available to stream at azpm.org.

GivingTuesday is a special, global day of giving to support the nonprofit organizations that are making an impact in our communities.
A fellow donor has put forth a $50,000 matching challenge to other donors to meet this amount. Will you consider a gift to support AZPM on this special day?
Give Smart — Plan Ahead
Many members like to remember AZPM in their wills, life insurance policies or retirement plans. Will you consider including AZPM in yours?
You are an important part of our present. We invite you to be a part of our future.
To learn more about how you can ensure that AZPM remains vital for generations to come, contact Senior Director of Development Enrique Aldana at (520) 621-3808 or [email protected].
In appreciation, you’ll receive your free copy of “Your Legacy Written in the Stars.”

Every contribution makes a difference.

Amplify your ongoing financial support to AZPM by making a special contribution that goes above and beyond your membership.
Your tax-deductible support ensures that AZPM can continue to be your source for news and entertainment now and in the months to come.
To ensure the future of television, radio, digital media and educational services that change lives for the better, we need the ongoing support of members like you. One-time membership fees aren’t nearly enough to cover the rising costs of providing quality public media in Southern Arizona — we rely on additional gifts from caring friends like you.
To give today, simply click the “Donate Today” button to send your gift. If you prefer, you can also visit azpm.org/exchange to give online, or call (520) 621-1600.